- 法国 France
- 大面积 large tracts of land; large ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 葡萄 grape
- 种植园 plantation; haciendo; fazend ...
- 葡萄种植学 winegrowing
- 葡萄种植业 viticulture; winegrowing
- 葡萄种植者 viticulturist; vivyardist
- 大面积的 areal; large-area; wide-spread
- 葡萄种植与葡萄酒学 viticulture and enology
- 大面积的钻井合同 blanket lease
- 种植园 don dien; hacienda; plantations
- 层状矿床;大面积的层状沉积 blanket deposit
- 种植面积的大概百分率 approximate percentage distribution
- 大面积 large tracts of land; large area 大面积丰收 reap a bumper harvest over large areas
- 葡萄核,葡萄种子。 grapestone
- 茶树种植园 tea estate
- 国际种植园 international federation of plantation agricultural and allied workers
- 咖啡种植园 coffee plantation
- 棉花种植园 cotton plantation
- 全盛种植园 chuan seng estate
- 燃料种植园 fuel plantation
- 糖科种植园 sugar plantation
- 翁桂种植园 don dien ong que
- 橡胶种植园 rubber plantation