这一地区土地的地力都已耗尽不能再种庄稼了 the whole area has been farmed out and no crops will grow there now
庄稼 away-going crop; emblement; crops 种庄稼 grow crops; 这些庄稼遭到蝗灾。 these crops are attacked by locusts. 由于长期干旱, 庄稼歉收。 owing to the long drought, the crops have failed; 庄稼茬 stubble; 庄稼地 flat; field in crop; cropland; fields; farm land; 庄稼汉 farmer; peasant; 庄稼活儿 farm work; 庄稼人 peasant; farmer
When the captain was gone , i sent for the men up to me to my apartment , and entred seriously into discourse with them of their circumstances , i told them , i thought they had made a right choice ; that if the captain carry d them away , they would certainly be hang d 我谈了小岛的环境,以及我在这儿生活的经历。我领他们看了我的城堡,告诉他们如何做面包,种庄稼,晒制葡萄干。一句话,一切能使他们生活过得舒适一点的办法,我都告诉他们了。
Human civilization stands as one of the more successful " biological experiments " ever undertaken , " wrote the researchers , led by dr . stephen o ' brien of the national cancer institute , in their report . " for cats , the process began over 9 , 000 years ago as the earliest farmers of the fertile crescent domesticated grains and cereals 美索不达米亚的另一个称呼为“新月沃土” fertile crescent ,不单土地肥沃,且庄稼丰盛,在当今世上的庄稼排行榜上,营养价值最高的56种庄稼里,有32种就原产于新月沃土。
His father persisted in his conviction that a knowledge of a farmer s wife s duties came second to a pauline view of humanity ; and the impulsive angel , wishing to honour his father s feelings and to advance the cause of his heart at the same time , grew specious 他的父亲坚持自己的观点,认为一个农场主的妻子首先得有保罗对待人类的眼光,其次才是种庄稼的本事安琪尔一时受到感情的驱使,他既要尊重他的父亲的感情,同时又要促成心中的婚姻大事,所以就说了一番貌似有理的话来。
Soon the equipage began to ascend to higher ground , and the wind grew keener with the change of level and soil . the day being the sixth of april , the durbeyfield waggon met many other waggons with families on the summit of the load , which was built on a wellnigh unvarying principle , as peculiar , probably , to the rural labourer as the hexagon to the bee 那天是四月六日,德北菲尔德家的马车在路上遇见了许多其它的马车,都是马车上装着家具,家具上坐着全家人这种装载的方法近来似乎成了不变的原则,大概它的独特性对于农村种庄稼的人就像蜂窠对于蜜蜂一样。