

音标:[ yùshì ]   发音:
  • prerun; preliminary examination; preexamine



  • 例句与用法
  • Ma jor : general psychology speciality : personality process supervisor : prof . huang xiting author : fan fenghui ( 2000100 ) based on an open - ended questionnaire and interviews with some teachers and students , the study analyzed the characters of middle school climate
  • First applying physical education learning strategy pre - test measurement table on 372 university students , through the steps of exploratory element analysis and each individual table ' s item analysis , then the result showed the learning strategues were composed of five elements including " learning attitude " , " information processing " , " emotion control " , " time management " , and " exam preparation " , the formal measurement table was made up by 27 questions in total
  • The purpose of the research is developing the adolescent coping with stress scale ( acss ) fit for chinese adolescents based on adolescent coping theory , opened question , previous researches , pretest , expert assessing et al . the dimensions and structure of the acss were examined through exploratory factor analysis ( efa ) & confirmatory factor analysis ( cfa )
  • Based on the formal measurement table applying the 2 ( superscript nd ) pre - test on 351 students and conducting the examination of the credibility and validity to construct the credibility and validity of the measurement table , the coefficient of inner consistency of individual element in this table was . 673 ~ . 892 , and the coefficient of re - test after the interval of two weeks was . 697 ~ . 930 , with the performance of physical education learning to prove the discriminate validity and criterion - related validity , and with the element analysis to examine the construction validity , the sum of variable amount which could be interpreted was 59 . 06 % , the outcome showed this table was having good credibility and validity that could provide physical education teachers to realize the learning strategies of university students
    以正式量表对351位学生进行第二次预试,再进行信度与效度的考验,以建构量表的信效度,本量表各因素的内部一致性系数为. 673 ~ . 892与隔二周的重测信度为. 697 . 930 ,以体育学习表现来验证辨别效度及效标关联效度,以因素分析考验建构效度,所能解释总变异量为59 . 06 % ,结果显示本量表具有良好的信效度,确实可以提供国内体育教师了解大学生的体育学习策略。
  • In order to achieve the goal of my research , firstly , i did lots of search for some literature and books related to this topic and i could use as reference materials . secondly , i revised my survey and the previous test for it . lastly , i chose two hundred primary school teachers from ten different primary schools in macao for my survey
    为建成研究之目的,研究者首先参考相关理论及文献,作为本研究的理论基础及编制研究工具的依据;其次进行问卷的编制、修订及预试;最以十所小学,二百名教师为封象,实施问卷调查,并将调查所得资料以t考验、单因子变异数分析、斯皮尔曼相关法等统计方法进行统计分析,获得下列结论: 1 ?教师对学校组织气氛同事行为知觉最高分,而对疏离行为的知觉得分最低。
  • This thesis constructs cvps in bipolar likert 6 point scale format . taking sales engineer and programmers as examples , the correlation study between post - fit , which evaluated from self , colleague , superior and performance perspectives , and personality measured by cvps showed that cvps has clear factor structure and possesses good construct validity , criterion - related validity and reliability
  • The object of this thesis is to explore the structure of jung psychological type in chinese enterprises " employees and construct chinese vocational personality sorter ( cvps ) by testing repeatedly in employees of guangzhou enterprise . the pilot - tests are carried out by means of questionnaire which is designed on the basis of mbti ( myers - briggs type indicator )
    本研究在借鉴mbti内容的基础上,通过问卷调查的方式,对中国广州地区企业人群进行反复预试,探索荣格心理类型在中国企业人群的因素结构,并建构中国人职业个性测量工具( cvps ) 。
  • The results of factor analysis after the initial testing revealed the following eight factors : ( 1 ) social relationship , ( 2 ) pursuit of knowledge , ( 3 ) professional values and skills , ( 4 ) occupational achievement , ( 5 ) acquisition of status , ( 6 ) inclination , ( 7 ) personal values , and ( 8 ) country and society
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