研究 1.(探求) study; research 研究自然规律 study the laws of nature; 科学研究 scientific research2.(考虑或商讨) consider; discuss; deliberate 这些问题党委正在研究。 these matters are under review [consideration] by the party committee.; 研究报告 research report; 研究方法 research method; 研究所 research institute; 研究题目 research topic; 研究系 research clique; 研究员 research fellow; 研究院 research institute; graduate school; 研究中心 research centre
This thesis constructs cvps in bipolar likert 6 point scale format . taking sales engineer and programmers as examples , the correlation study between post - fit , which evaluated from self , colleague , superior and performance perspectives , and personality measured by cvps showed that cvps has clear factor structure and possesses good construct validity , criterion - related validity and reliability 通过预试研究,并以从自评、他评及绩效评价等方面评估的岗位适合度(以销售工程师和程序员为例)为效标,来进行cvps所测个性类型与岗位适合度的相关研究。