About his ordinary bearing there was a certain fling, a fearless expectation of success . 他平素的举止不免有些锋芒,显得他志向远大,无所畏惧。
Characteristically, the strains in the plactic region are much greater than in the elastic region . 很明显,塑性阶段的应变远大于弹性阶段的应变。
The historians, conceived vast schemes, and carried them out to the limit of their powers . 这些史学家都有远大的抱负,而且都已尽力完成了他们的计划。
There is a big future for these crops once the continentals resolve their farm structure problem . 一旦大陆国家解决了他们的农场结构问题,这些作物有远大前途。
Hart crane in a brief life ended by suicide, aimed higherin some waysthan marianne moore . 因自杀而结束了短短一生的哈特克莱恩,其目标在某些方面要比马里安莫尔远大。
Thomas had overheard older men in the club saying that young sinclair was brilliant lawyer and would go far . 托马斯常常听见俱乐部的老人说,小辛克莱是个有才智的律师,前程远大。
Harran-i may not have so wide an outlook as our friend cedarquist, but i am quick to see my chance . 哈伦--我也许没有我们这位朋友西达奎斯特那样眼光远大,可是一有了机会,我马上看得出来。
The community, including the family, with its wider interests, its larger purposes, and its more deliberate aims, surrounds us . 社区,包括家庭,以它更广泛的利益、更为远大的目的和更为审慎的目标包围着我们。
Prescott, motley, and parkman, the historians, conceived vast schemes, and carried them out to the limit of their powers . 普雷斯科特、莫特利和帕克曼这三位史学家,都有远大的抱负,而且都已尽力完成了他们的计划。
But the disappointments go further back than that 但民众对此的失望远大于其本身。