As usual when drafting speeches, he refused to answer the telephone for days on end . 同往常一样,他为了起草讲话稿,接连数日拒绝接电话。
The legislative program, domestic policy and speeches became his unchallenged domain . 立法议案、国内政策和起草演讲稿,成为他毫无疑义的工作领域。
Between the opinions of the editor and the bare statements of wire services there is nothing . 在编辑的见解和通讯社电讯稿干巴巴的声明之间是一片一无所有的空虚。
What i must put down is so dangerous that the former hiding place of my papers will not do . 我必须写下的这些材料是如此危险,以致我以前隐文藏稿的地方不能再使用了。
Vice president henry wallace recently gave a speech that might have been lifted from your uncle's pages . 亨利华莱士副总统最近发表一次演说,他说的话很可能是从你叔父的稿里剽窃来的。
I got out of bed and went into the living room of our suite to work on some hard-hitting additions to my basic speech . 我起床走进起居室去,在我的主调演说稿上添加一些狠狠反击的段落。
In the next week, dick goodwin began the white house review of latin american policy in preparation for the presidential speech . 一个星期后,迪克古德温为了替总统准备演讲稿,开始由白宫对拉丁美洲政策进行检查。
Jefferson's first draft of the "declaration of independence" is there, with handwritten notations by ben franklin and john adams . 那里有杰斐逊《独立宣言》的第一稿,上面还有本富兰克林和约翰亚当斯手写的注释。
Lowell, a thorough brahmin, produced in his dialect "biglow papers" an important example of "native" american literature . 洛威尔彻头彻尾是个绅士派,就曾以他的方言写成了《比格罗诗稿》,成为美国"本土"文学一个重要的范例。
If it is hard to appreciate any part of "the bells", "the raven", or the play-fragment "politian", there are shorter poems of compelling beauty . 假如你一点不欣赏《铃》,《乌鸦》,或戏剧《波里生》的残稿,也还有精妙的小诗可读。