稿 名词1.[书面语] (谷类植物的茎)stalk of grain; straw2.(稿子) draft; sketch 草稿 rough draft; 画稿 a painter's sketch; 这不过是个初稿。 this is only a first draft.3.(外发公文的草稿) manuscript; original text 拟稿 make a manuscript; 底稿 original copy of a published article; 定稿 finalize a text
Will this shovel do for your pick you lost 这把铲子可以代替你丢的镐头吗?
What business has a pick and a shovel here 这里要锹和镐头干什么?
Picks and spades , pans , burros . wonder how much it would all cost 镐头,铲子,铁锅,驴子不知道这些要花多少钱
I ' m set to shoulder a pickaxe if anybody ' s willing to share expenses 如果有人愿意分担费用我还会扛起镐头的
Picks and shovels - why , they wouldn t furnish em to a king . 什么铁铣镐头人家才不会拿这些给一个国王呢。 ”
Steel pick head no . 410 410钢镐头
Steel pick head no . 406 406钢镐头
" well , then , " i says , " if we don t want the picks and shovels , what do we want ? “那么好吧, ”我说, “既然我们不要铁铣和镐头,那我们究竟要些什么呢? ”
Then we whirled in with the pick and shovel , and in about two hours and a half the job was done 随后我们抡起镐头和铁铣猛干了起来,大约两个半钟点以后,大功便告成了。
" picks is the thing , moral or no moral ; and as for me , i don t care shucks for the morality of it , nohow “镐头才能解决问题嘛,合乎道德也罢,不合乎道德也罢。对我来说,我才不管道德不道德呢。