- 稿 stalk of grain; straw draft; ...
- 草 grass
- 叉 part so as to form a fork; f ...
- 草叉 hay fork
- 除草叉 weeding fork
- 干草叉 hay fork; hayfork, pitchfork; pitchfork
- 集草叉 hay fork; pitch fork
- 乾草叉 twopronged fork for turning or lifting hayy
- 稿草吹送器 straw blower
- 稿草压捆机 straw baling machine
- 揉稿草机 straw softening machine
- 把草叉磨尖 sharpen the pitchforks
- 乾草叉;草耙 pitchfork
- 自动干草叉 automatic grapple fork
- 安德鲁斯干草叉 andrewss pitchforkk; andrewsspitchfork
- 抓取式自动干草叉 automatic grapple fork
- 稿草吹送器 麦草吹送器 strawblower
- 麦草打捆机 稿草打捆机 稿秆捆束机 strawbinder
- 稿本目录 written catalogue
- 稿本鉴定学 bibliotics
- 稿本 manuscript◇稿本鉴定学 bibliotics; 稿本目录 written catalogue
- 稿酬 author’s remuneration; payment for an article or book written
- 稿 名词1.[书面语] (谷类植物的茎)stalk of grain; straw2.(稿子) draft; sketch 草稿 rough draft; 画稿 a painter's sketch; 这不过是个初稿。 this is only a first draft.3.(外发公文的草稿) manuscript; original text 拟稿 make a manuscript; 底稿 original copy of a published article; 定稿 finalize a text
- 稿酬;稿费 author’s remuneration
- 镐头 pick; pickaxe