

音标:[ kāibá ]   发音:
  • (of troops) move; set out



  • 例句与用法
  • The count led the way with marya dmitryevna , then followed the countess , taken in by a colonel of hussars , a person of importance , as nikolay was to travel in his company to join the regiment ; then anna mihalovna with shinshin
  • Then the dead were counted , prisoners exchanged , the terms of the next disagreement agreed upon , and the day for the necessary battle appointed ; after which the armies fell into line and marched away , and tom turned homeward alone
  • Rostov , riding ahead of them , gave the word : forward ! and drawing out four abreast , the hussars started with a sound of subdued talk , splashing hoofs , and jingling sabres . they trotted along the broad high - road , with birch - trees on each side of it , following the infantry and artillery , who had gone on before
  • The first troops moved that night , marching deliberately and in steady order . but at dawn the retreating troops on reaching the dorogomilov bridge saw before them , crowding on the other side , and hurrying over the bridge , and blocking the streets and alleys on the same side , and bearing down upon them from behind , immense masses of soldiers
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 其他语种释义
  • 开拔的法语:动 se mettre en mouvement(en partant des troupes);partir
  • 开拔的日语:(軍隊が駐屯地から)出動する,出発する,転進する,移動する. 部队预定 yùdìng 在下个月开拔/部隊は来月出動する予定だ.
  • 开拔的韩语:[동사] (군대가 주둔지로부터) 출발하다. 출동하다. 이동하다. 第三天拂晓前, 部队开拔了; 3일째 되는 날 동이 트기 전에 부대가 이동하였다
  • 开拔的俄语:pinyin:kāibá двинуться, отправиться, выступить (о войсках)
  • 开拔什么意思:kāibá (军队)由驻地或休息处出发:第三天拂晓前,部队~了。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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