Just as its name implies , plate character recognition means recognizing the isolated plate characters and in turn identifying the whole license plate 对车牌数字识别采用了投影?模板匹配法实现了对车牌数字识别,该方法具有实时性好的特点。
In the match method based on picture emendation , we use the changeable sized boundary box which influences the disadvantage of the unchangeable sized boundary box 在基于图像校准的点模式匹配法中采用了可变大小的界限盒,改变了固定大小的界限盒的不足。
Direct matching takes a little more work , at least the first time , but it results in dramatic improvement in efficiency and effectiveness of your advertising effort 直接匹配法要多费一点事,至少第一次使用时是如此,但它能极大地提高广告的效率和有效性。
There are two methods to determine where you should advertise . there is the traditional demographic matching method and there is the more recent direct matching method 要确定你应该在哪里投放广告,有两种方法:一种是传统的“人口统计学匹配法” ,一种是更加新式的“直接匹配法” 。
In chinese words take - out module we adopt an approach using the characters of chinese to pre - process the downloaded web pages , and an approach of max - matching and frequency statistics 中文分词部分采用了利用汉字的特点对文档进行预处理的方法和基于词库的最大匹配法和无词库的频度统计法相结合的方法。
Among these key technology are as the follows : 1 . a method for extracting the back grids based on spatial recognizing , including the method of step point based cross matching and hough transform 其中关键技术包括以下几点: 1 .基于空域识别的网格提取方法,包括:基于阶跃点的十字模板匹配法和hough变换。
In chapter five , gained proper matching template taking advantage of edge image and mapped two sequential images basing on image transform and template matching and found moving objects 第五章利用前一章运算得到的边缘图像,选取出适当的匹配模板,综合利用中文荷要坐标空间变换和模板匹配法配准图像,检测出运动目标。
The assembly process of the motion equations of multi - rotor systems with nonlinear dampers by using the impedance matching method , and an analytial method for system dynamics are discussed in this paper 摘要文章讨论了用阻抗匹配法构成带非线性弹性支承的多转子系统的运动方程组,并用来分析这类转子系统的运力特性的方法。
The sub - domain is used to solve the entire equivalence current integral equation . two sub - domain basis functions are adopted respectively to calculated the rcs of electrically large metallic plate in plane wave illumination 分别采用脉冲基点匹配法和rwg基伽略金法求解电大金属平板在平面波照射下的rcs ,并对二者的结果进行了比较和分析。
After denoising and using wavelet transform to process the the signal . i use the method of template - matching to detect the r - peak . using this method , the preciseness rate improved greatly 在心电信号r波峰的检测方法上,本人在对心电信号进行去处工频干扰,和进行小波变换后,采用了模板匹配法,使得检测正确率大大提高,得到了预期的效果。