- 匹配 mate; marry
- 四分之一波长匹配短线 quarter-wave matching stub
- 匹配短截线 matching stub; pill transformator; pill transformer; pilltransformer
- 短线匹配法 slug matching
- 归约规则的匹配短语 match phrase in reduction rules
- 单短线匹配变压器 single-stub transformer
- 三短线匹配变压器 triple-stub transformer
- 短线 hatchures; short string; stub
- 预装配短节 pre-positioned landing nipple
- 匹配 1.[书面语] (婚姻配合) mate; marry 何人堪与她匹配? who will marry her? 草率匹配多后悔。 marry in haste and repent at leisure.2.[电学] matching 亮度匹配 brightness matching; 一致匹配 consistent match; 最佳匹配 best match; 阻抗匹配 impedance matching; 匹配变压器 (impedance) matching transformer; 匹配程序 matcher; 匹配系数 matching factor; 匹配阻抗 matched impedance; matching impedance
- 短线;线影 hachure
- 短线圈 short loop
- 双短线 double stud
- 最短线 line of shortest length; shortest
- 按短线平衡 balance based on a shortage of products
- 闭合短线 closed stub
- 补偿短线 compensating stub
- 测试短线 measuring stub
- 单短线党器 single stub tuner
- 调谐短线 tuning stub
- 端接短线 terminal leg; terminal stub
- 短路短线 short circuited stub
- 短线产品 (企业生产的小于社会需求的产品) undersupplied products; goods in short supply; goods in great demand; deficient products; products in short supply
- 短线党器 stub tuner
- 短线调谐 stub tuning