Marry married in haste and repented at leisure . 草率匹配多后悔。
Jack and his wife seem well suited to one another . 杰克和他的妻子似乎彼此很匹配。
He can't deserve you . 他是没有资格匹配你的。
A set of independent edges in a graph is called a matching . 一个图中的独立边的一个集合称为一个匹配。
Our usual vocabulary is not quite a match for the nuances of quantum mechanics . 我们通常的词汇与量子力学的意义不太匹配。
She had now therefore nothing to do but to marry all the rest of the world . 她现在除了为世上的其他人成婚匹配之外,没有什么别的事可做。
In the years ahead, he reflected, he would need to stay alert and informed just to keep up with celia mentally . 他意识到,今后为了同西莉亚在精神上相匹配,他必须孜孜不倦,博学强识。
The feeling of guilt which has caused all of the mob-fear and mob-hysteria is the counterpart of his own hate . 引起所有这些暴民恐惧和暴民歇斯底里的内疚心情,正好与他自己的仇恨相匹配。
One first forms appropriate linear combinations of the hydrogen ao's and of the carbon ao's to get symmetry adapted orbitals . 首先,要形成氢AO和碳AO的适当的线性组合以得到对称性匹配轨道。
The following table describes the match index options 下表介绍了匹配索引选项: