形影相随的英语:follow (up) like a shadow; attend as closely as a shadow; be in constant company like (the) body and (the) shadow; follow sb. wherever he goes; keep close at one's side; never to leave each other's si...形影相随的法语:inséparable形影相随的韩语:떨어질수 없는形影相随的俄语:pinyin:xíngyǐngxiàngsuí следовать как тень за телом; неразлучный, неразделимый形影相随的印尼文:tidak dapat dipisahkan; 形影相随什么意思:xíng yǐng xiāng suí 【解释】象形体和它的影子那样分不开。形容彼此关系亲密,经常在一起。 【拼音码】xyxs 【灯谜面】水里的鸳鸯月光下散步 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、定语、状语;用于人 【英文】follow like a shadow-have a close relationship