Long and complex english sentence translation in the perspectives of thinking , coherence , and information 信息的角度考虑英语长句的翻译
To study the translation of long complex sentences by sentence construction characters of english and chinese 从英汉造句特点看复杂长句的翻译
The processing of complex long sentences is a difficult problem in the implementation of a practical machine translation system 摘要在实用机器翻译系统的研究开发中,复杂长句的翻译处理是其面临的一个主要难题。
长: older; elder; senior句: sentence的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...翻译: translate; interpret; put... ...定语从句的翻译: translation attributive clause逐字逐句的翻译: word-for-word translationliteral translationverbal translation长句的处理: long / complicated sentences倍数的翻译: translation multiples标题的翻译: the translations of headings确切的翻译: exact translation逐字的翻译: wordforword translationon主语的翻译: translation of subject准确的翻译: close translation英语长句翻译技巧: the techniques of translation for english long sentences忠实的翻译, 紧扣原文的翻译: close translation不精确的翻译: loose translation不准确的翻译: inaccurate translation解释的翻译的: interpretative长句: long sentences; screed被动语态的翻译: translation the passive voice读者为中心的翻译: reader centered translation归约规则的翻译: translation of reduction rules几句歌词的翻译: november rain紧扣原文的翻译: a close translation经典广告词的翻译: we do chicken right