倍数: times multiple的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...翻译: translate; interpret; put... ...倍数的: diploid; multiplex科技英语中倍数的准确翻译法: the exact translation method ofmultiple in english forscience and tech nology标题的翻译: the translations of headings长句的翻译: translation long sentences; translation of long sentences确切的翻译: exact translation逐字的翻译: wordforword translationon主语的翻译: translation of subject准确的翻译: close translation倍数的译法: translating skills忠实的翻译, 紧扣原文的翻译: close translation不精确的翻译: loose translation不准确的翻译: inaccurate translation解释的翻译的: interpretative被动语态的翻译: translation the passive voice定语从句的翻译: translation attributive clause读者为中心的翻译: reader centered translation归约规则的翻译: translation of reduction rules几句歌词的翻译: november rain紧扣原文的翻译: a close translation经典广告词的翻译: we do chicken right论旅游指南的翻译: on translation of tourist guide庞德的翻译理论: pound's theory of translation