紧: taut; tight扣: button up; buckle原文: text; the original; master c ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...翻译: translate; interpret; put... ...忠实的翻译, 紧扣原文的翻译: close translation这篇译作紧扣原文: the translation follows closely the original这两段英文的翻译: ny times原文的: textual不拘泥原文的: expressing the meaning of the original loosely not exactly倍数的翻译: translation multiples标题的翻译: the translations of headings长句的翻译: translation long sentences; translation of long sentences确切的翻译: exact translation逐字的翻译: wordforword translationon主语的翻译: translation of subject准确的翻译: close translation对照《圣经》原文的校勘。: lower criticism面向原文的数据库: text-oriented data base完全按照原文的: literal: correspondingly exact to the original原文的文字材料: textual material忠实于原文的译文: faithful translation不精确的翻译: loose translation不准确的翻译: inaccurate translation解释的翻译的: interpretative