那: a surname是: Semantics奶奶: grandmother; grandma grandma ...讲话: speak; talk; address speech; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...口气: tone; note以高人一等的口气对讲话: talk down连讲话的口舌也不想浪费: without troubling himself to speak听奶奶讲故事: to e such a man讲话的: speaking他说话的口气像办公室主任似的: he talks as if he were the head of the office好大的口气: what high sounding sentiments好大的口气!: What high-sounding sentiments!埋怨的口气: a note of complaint听他的口气: judging by the way he spoke威吓的口气: a hectoring tone of voice他总是摆架子以高人一等的口气对别人讲话he: always puts on airs and talks down to others爱讲话的人: jay不爱讲话的: dour高声讲话的: loudmouthed讲话的大意: the tenor of a speech讲话的要点: the salient points of a speech喜欢讲话的: cozy命令式的口气: a commanding tone用恳求的口气: in a pleading tone