But ramiz also enjoys bedtime stories from his grandmother about the events that are supposed to have taken place in the stony fields around his house at least 3 , 000 years ago 而拉米兹也喜爱睡觉前听奶奶讲故事,故事里的事件据说发生在至少3000年前,地点在他家房子周围布满石头的这片地上。
听: hear; listen奶奶: grandmother; grandma grandma ...讲故事: tell stories讲故事: spin a yarn; taletelling; tell a story; yarn给人讲故事: tell sb a story讲故事的人: tale-teller讲故事时间: story time讲故事者: narrater narrater; native to native to怎样讲故事: how to tell a story故事奶奶: story lady奶奶的故事: 61.my grandmother’s stories; my grandmother’s stories那是奶奶讲话的口气: that's granny talking生动地讲故事: relate a story vividly听他们讲故事: listen to their stories我讲故事还行: i'm not too bad at telling stories叙述者,讲故事者: narrater情感与讲故事,9: and storytelling如何给孩子讲故事: how to tell children stories善于讲故事的人: raconteur我讲故事根本不行: i'm useless at telling stories学会讲故事的技巧: acquire the story telling technique讲故事的人, 搬弄是非者: tale-teller讲故事时把主角换成他们: tell them stories in which they are the hero讲故事最好别掐头去尾: if you tell a story you'd better tell it to the full我的男人还要会讲故事: i need a man who knows how the story goes