违法行为违法行为: delinquent behavior犯规,违法行为: offense n违法, 不法行为: breach of law违法行为者: misfeasor不法行为, 违法行为: unlawful act违法行为,不法行为: illegal acts违法行为预测 违法行为预测: prediction of delinquency集体违法行为: group delinquency民法违法行为: civil offence违法行为预测: prediction of delinquency违法行政行为: administrative act in violation of law严重违法行为: outrage犯规与违法行为: unruly and delinquent behaviour共同实施违法行为: jointly committed the offence婚姻上的违法行为: conjugal offence麻醉品违法行为: narcotics violation违法行为的严重性: seriousness of the offense conduct违法行为将继续的: where relevant operations are not suspended the offence could continue or未成年人违法行为: juvenile delinquency蓄意的违法行为: wilfulmisconduct应罚款的违法行为: pecuniary offence早期违法行为预测: prediction of early illegal behavior被审单位的违法行为: illegal acts by audited entity违法心理: illegal mind违法违纪案件: verletzungen pl.von gesetzen und vorschriften违法行为调查委员会: comision de investigacion de investigacion de hechos delictivos