The administrative omission is an actions of a kind of illegal administrative behavior in opposition to the administrative conduct 行政不作为是相对于行政作为而言的一种违法行政行为。
The procuratorial supervision in administration includes procuratorial organs ' supervision of specifically illegal administrative act and supervision of administrative litigation 摘要行政检察监督应包括检察机关对特定违法行政行为和行政诉讼活动两方面实施的监督。
In the real life of our country , the accident that unlawful administrative acts violate lawful rights and interests always takes place , but the building of the administrative responsibility system is week 在我国的现实生活中,违法行政行为侵犯合法权益的事件经常发生,而行政责任制度的建设却很薄弱。
The administrative public interest action is the administrative litigation that is prosecuted by no - legal relationship person because of the illegal administrative activities that do harm to the public interest 行政公益诉讼是指允许无直接利害的关系人就侵犯或威胁公共利益的违法行政行为提起的行政诉讼。
Since the traditional administrative procedure is obviously a mechanism of negative forms against the illegal administrative acts , it can only play the role of adjusting but unable to achieve positive effects 传统的行政诉讼由于其实质上是对违法行政行为的一种消极的消解机制,其仅仅能起到事后纠偏的作用,而无法达到一种积极预防的效果。