

发音:   用"违法违纪案件"造句
  • verletzungen pl.von gesetzen und vorschriften


  1. We must strictly investigate and prosecute all types of cases involving violation of laws and regulations , concentrating particularly on a batch of major cases


        违法:    break the law; be illegal
        案件:    case
        查处违法违纪案件:    to investigate and punish the activities violating the law and discipline
        政纪案件:    infractions of administrative regulations
        民法违法行为:    civil offence
        违法违规经营行为:    business activities that violate laws and regulations
        违纪:    breaking the rules
        违法:    break the law; be illegal 违法行为 illegal activities; unlawful practice; 违法售酒 bootlegging; 你违法了。 you transgressed against the law. 这是违法的。 this is against the law.; 违法分子 law-breakers; 违法合同 illegal contract; 违法经营 illegal operation; 违法搜查 extralegal search; 违法者 a person who breaks the law
        违纪者:    defaulter
        案件:    law case; case; legal case 公诉案件 case of public charge [prosecution]; 民事案件 civil case; 刑事案件 criminal case; 自诉案件 case of private charge [prosecution]; 案件正在审理中 suit pending
        违纪行为:    disciplinary offence; disorderly conduct
        违法,犯法;违法的。:    lawbreaking
        轻微违纪行为:    minor disciplinary offence; minor offence
        违纪违规报告:    report on infringement of regulations
        不违法:    lawlessness
        犯法, 违法:    break the law
        犯罪,违法:    delinquency
        违法, 犯法:    go beyong the law; violate a law
        违法的:    criminal; illegalillegal; illegitimate; illicit; legally wrong
        违法地:    illicitly
        违法火:    actionable fire
        违法性:    illegality; rechtswidrigkeit
        违法者:    delinquent; lawbreaker; offender; wrongdoer
        案件数:    case load
        弹劾案件, 检案件:    impeachment cases


  1. "违法搜查"英文
  2. "违法诉讼程序"英文
  3. "违法所得"英文
  4. "违法通知, 犯规通知"英文
  5. "违法违规经营行为"英文
  6. "违法心理"英文
  7. "违法行为"英文
  8. "违法行为,不法行为"英文
  9. "违法行为的严重性"英文
  10. "违法行为调查委员会"英文


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