违反: violate; run counter to; tra ...无名: nameless条款: clause; article; provision无名条款: innominate term违反保证条款: breach of warranty clause违反合约条款: breach of contractual terms违反协议条款: break the terms of agreement违反中间条款: breach of intermediate terms违反中间性条款: breach of intermediate terms板名条: board name plate无名: 1.(没有名称的) nameless 无名死者 nameless dead2.(名字不为人所知的) unknown 无名作者 an unknown author3.(说不出所以然来的) indefinable; indescribable 无名的恐惧 an indefinable feeling of terror4.[穴位] wuming (extra 18); 无名高地 [军事] an unnamed hill; 无名氏 an anonymous person; 无名指 the third finger; ring finger; digitus annularis违反: violate; run counter to; transgress; infringe 违反党的政策 run counter to the policy of the party; 违反法律 breach of law; contrary to law; disregard of law; 违反合同 breach of contract; 违反交通规则 violate traffic regulations; 违反决议的精神 be contrary to the spirit of the resolution; 违反历史潮流 run counter to the trend of history; 违反外事纪律 breach of discipline of dealings with foreigners; 违反劳动纪律 violate labour discipline; 违反诺言 break a promise; 违反社会发展规律 go against the laws of social development; 违反习惯 offend against custom; 违反事实 fly in the face of facts; 违反条约 transgress a treaty; 违反客观规律 go against the objective laws; act in a way contrary to the objective laws; upset the objective proportions of; 违反刑法 commit a criminal offense; 学生们受到告诫, 不要违反校规。 the students were told not to break any of the rules of the school.; 违反合同 contravention to treaty; breach of contract; 违反合约 contravention to treaty; 违反协定行为 malpractice; 违反信托 breach of trust; 违反行车规则 driving offence水险单上附加的条款违反特约条款: breachofwarrenty提名条件: conditions for nomination条件名条件: condition name condition; condition-name condition反无线电措施: radio countermeasures无名氏 无名氏: john/jane doe反无线电对抗措施: counterradio countermeasure反无线电通信措施: radio communication countermeasures条款: clause; article; provision 法律条款 legal provision; 附加条款 additional clause; 最惠国条款 most-favoured-nation clause; 协定的条款 articles of an agreement; 保留条款 clause réservé; 仲裁条款 clause of arbitration; 双方都应按照协议条款办事。 both sides have to act according to the provisions of the agreement. 你要求在合同中订上什么条款? what clause do you require in the contract无名川: battle in nameless valley无名疮: undefined carbuncle无名岛: anonyme i; nameless island无名的: anonymousanofacelessinnominatalinnominatemamelessnoteless; nameless; obscure; unknown无名骨: coxahipboneinnominatum; i ominate bone; innominate bone; whirlbone