跨越: stride over; stride across; ...部门: department; branch; class; s ...界限: demarcation line; dividing l ...部门界限: sectoral lines越部: koshibe但都不想跨越界限: and don't wanna respect boundaries跨越: stride over (a ditch, etc.); stride across; leap over; cut across 跨越障碍 surmount an obstacle; 纵马跨越栅栏 leap a horse over a hurdle; 跨越赤道传播 transequatorial propagation; 跨越杆 crossing pole; 跨越绝缘子 crossing insulator跨越命令级别的沟通亦作“跨部门沟通”: cross-communication界限: 1.(分界) demarcation line; dividing line; limits; bounds; boundary; range; limitation 确定界限 fix the limit; 超越自由的界限 overstep the boundary of freedom; 打破行业界限 break the bounds of different trades2.(限度) limit; end 在这个界限内可任便。 within the limitation you are free to do as you choose部门: department; branch; class; section 交通部门 communications department; 中央各部门 departments and commissions under the central leadership; 政府各部门 various government departments; 主管部门 the department responsible for the work; 有关部门 the department concerned; (邮局中)处理无法投递信件的部门 blind department; 大百货公司里有许多部门分售各类商品。 in a big department store, there are numerous departments selling different kinds of goods. 工业和农业是国民经济的两个重要部门。 industry and agriculture are the two important sectors of the national economy.; 部门比例 porportion among different departments; ratio among the sectors; 部门管理 divisional management; 部门经理 division manager; 部门预算 departmental budget; 部门主管 department manager跨越杆: cro -over pole; cross over pole; cross-over pole跨越桥: overpass bridge跨越线: across-the-line跨越值: spanning valuembc跨越彩虹: over the rainbow穿跨越许可: crossing permit地下跨越: underground crossing分腿跨越: stride vault公路跨越: highway crossing管道跨越: pipe crossing; pipeline架桥跨越: bridged crossing交叉跨越: scissors crossing结构跨越: structural crossing禁止跨越: do not cross卷宗的跨越: volume spanning