

  • stride vault
  • :    component
  • :    leg
  • 跨越:    stride over; stride across; ...
  • 分腿:    feet astride; legs apart; open the legs; straddle
  • 跨越:    stride over (a ditch, etc.); stride across; leap over; cut across 跨越障碍 surmount an obstacle; 纵马跨越栅栏 leap a horse over a hurdle; 跨越赤道传播 transequatorial propagation; 跨越杆 crossing pole; 跨越绝缘子 crossing insulator


        :    component
        :    leg
        跨越:    stride over; stride across; ...
        分腿:    feet astride; legs apart; open the legs; straddle
        跨越:    stride over (a ditch, etc.); stride across; leap over; cut across 跨越障碍 surmount an obstacle; 纵马跨越栅栏 leap a horse over a hurdle; 跨越赤道传播 transequatorial propagation; 跨越杆 crossing pole; 跨越绝缘子 crossing insulator
        分腿举:    split lift; straddle lift
        分腿跳:    leap
        分腿做:    straddle seat
        分腿坐:    sitting position straddled; straddle leg sitting; straddle seat
        跨越杆:    cro -over pole; cross over pole; cross-over pole
        跨越桥:    overpass bridge
        跨越线:    across-the-line
        跨越值:    spanning value
        不分腿挺:    squat jerk
        成分腿支撑:    straddle in
        大分腿站立:    straddle stand
        低分腿站立:    low straddle stand
        分腿摆越:    straddle cut; straddle round the hands; straddle under hands; straddle vault
        分腿摆越下:    straddle cut to dismount
        分腿后翻下:    straddle leg sitting to back roll dismount
        分腿骑坐:    side-straddle seat; straddle-sitting thigh support
        分腿前摆:    forward swing straddle
        分腿切环下:    front cutaway
        分腿伸展式:    wide leg stretch pose
        分腿腾越:    astride vault; straddle spur vault; straddle through; straddle vault; stride vault


  1. "分腿后翻下"英文
  2. "分腿基础输电线路塔"英文
  3. "分腿脊柱扭转式"英文
  4. "分腿捷克式转体"英文
  5. "分腿举"英文
  6. "分腿立撑回环"英文
  7. "分腿立撑回环上"英文
  8. "分腿骑坐"英文
  9. "分腿前摆"英文
  10. "分腿前空翻抓高杠"英文


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