

发音:   用"交叉跨越"造句


        交叉:    cross connection; intersect; ...
        跨越:    stride over; stride across; ...
        电力线交叉跨越点:    power crossing
        交叉跨步:    crossover stride
        犬夜叉跨越时代的思念中:    inuyasha the love that transcends time
        跨越:    stride over (a ditch, etc.); stride across; leap over; cut across 跨越障碍 surmount an obstacle; 纵马跨越栅栏 leap a horse over a hurdle; 跨越赤道传播 transequatorial propagation; 跨越杆 crossing pole; 跨越绝缘子 crossing insulator
        跨越分区链路 交叉子区连接:    cross-subarealink
        跨越杆:    cro -over pole; cross over pole; cross-over pole
        跨越桥:    overpass bridge
        跨越线:    across-the-line
        跨越值:    spanning value
        交叉:    1.(互相穿过) cross connection; intersect; cross; crisscross; intersection; crossing; interlacement; [电学] transposition; piercing; chiasma node; decussation; antigodlin; antigoglin; crossover 两条铁路在此交叉。 the two railways cross here.2.(相重的) overlapping; overlap 两个方案中交叉的部分 the overlapping parts of the two plans; 交叉作业 overlapping jobs3.(间隔穿插) alternate; stagger 交叉进行 do alternately; 交叉班 backshift; 交叉变换 crossbar transition; 交叉播种 cross sowing in line; 交叉操作 [计算机] interlace operation; 交叉存取 interleaving access; interlacing; interleaving; 交叉带 halved belt; 交叉感染 cross-infection; 交叉管道 cross manifold; 交叉汇兑 cross exchange; 交叉汇率 cross rate of exchange; 交叉火力 [军事] cross fire; 交叉扩散 cross diffffusion;交叉路口 junction; intersection; grade separation; 交叉污染 cross contamination; 交叉线 cross spider; reticule; crosshair; 交叉循环 cross circulation; 交叉遗传 crisscross inheritance
        mbc跨越彩虹:    over the rainbow
        穿跨越许可:    crossing permit
        地下跨越:    underground crossing
        分腿跨越:    stride vault
        公路跨越:    highway crossing
        管道跨越:    pipe crossing; pipeline
        架桥跨越:    bridged crossing
        结构跨越:    structural crossing
        禁止跨越:    do not cross
        卷宗的跨越:    volume spanning
        跨越29年:    (the leap) hp; (the leap) yc
        跨越(梯桥),立交:    crossover
        跨越彩虹:    over the rainbow


  1. "交叉口栅门"英文
  2. "交叉口转角半径"英文
  3. "交叉扣带叠面便鞋"英文
  4. "交叉扣件"英文
  5. "交叉跨步"英文
  6. "交叉快攻"英文
  7. "交叉矿脉"英文
  8. "交叉馈"英文
  9. "交叉馈电"英文
  10. "交叉馈电式电动机"英文


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