论: The Analects of Confucius对: answer; reply大学生: university student; college ...优良: fine; good; excellent人格: personality; character; indi ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...培养: foster; train; develop; educ ...人格特质的遗传性: heritability of personality traits大学生人格特质与心理健康调查与分析: an analysis on students' personality trait and psychological health人格特质: personal traits; personality traits适应不良人格特性: maladaptive personality trait人格特质理论: trait theory人格特质障碍: personality trait disorder最佳人格特质: optimal personality traits人格特质障碍 性格特质违常: personality trait disorder课堂质疑与大学生创新精神的培养: querying in the class and fostering students' spirit of innovation大学公共英语教学中学生批判性思维的培养: cultivating non-english majors' critical thinking in college english teaching大学英语词汇教学应注重学生应用能力的培养: developing competence of lexical application in college english vocabulary teaching吸引中国大学生优秀选手: attract china's top university players; attract china’s top university players特质的: idiosyncratic语篇连贯理论对大学英语阅读教学的启示: discourse coherence and college english reading人格特质对选择性加工偏向的影响: the influence of personality traits on selective processing biases〔美国〕成绩极优良的大学生。: straight a品格特质: character trait高师英语专业学生自主学习能力的培养: cultivation of autonomous learning ability for english majors