人格: personality; character; indi ...理论: theory特质理论: trait theories; trait theory人格特质: personal traits; personality traits领导特质理论: trait theory of leadership潜在特质理论: latent trait theory; ltt人格特质障碍: personality trait disorder最佳人格特质: optimal personality traits领导的特质理论: trait theories of leadership; trait theory of leadership人格特质障碍 性格特质违常: personality trait disorder人格特质的遗传性: heritability of personality traits大学生人格特质与心理健康调查与分析: an analysis on students' personality trait and psychological health论对大学生优良人格特质的培养: on cultivating the good personality traits of college students人格特质对选择性加工偏向的影响: the influence of personality traits on selective processing biases地质理论: geological theory双介质理论: double medium theory体质理论: constitution theory品格特质: character trait连结介质理论: theory of continuous media连续介质理论: continuum theory领导品质理论: theory of leadership traits人格特点: personality characteristics人格特征: personality characteristics呆板人格特性: inflexible personality trait多重人格特征: multiple personality traits