

  • compensating torque


        补偿:    compensate; make up; make up ...
        :    revolve; rotate; turn; swive ...
        :    carpenter's square; square r ...
        转矩补偿器:    torque compensator
        压力补偿转子流量计:    balanced pressure rotameter
        转矩:    angular force; angular moment; deflecting couple; moment of rotation; rotary moment; rotating torque; rotation moment; rotation torque; rotational moment; torque moment; torque to inertia ratio; torque, twisting moment; torque-speed characteristic curve; torsion; turning moment; turningmoment
        无偿转拨:    unpaid transmission
        无偿转让:    liberalitas; unrequited transfer
        有偿转拨:    paid transmission
        有偿转让:    involuntary conveyance; paid transfer; requited transfer
        产权有偿转让:    entgeltliche übertragung der eigentumsrechte
        技术有偿转让:    entgeltlicher technologietransfer /entgeltliche transfer von technologie; transfer of technology with compensation
        无偿转让财产:    transfer property without compensation
        补偿:    compensate; make up; make up for; make it up to sb.; make sth. good; compensation; offset 提供补偿 afford redress; 伤残补偿 disability compensation; 合理的补偿 fair compensation; 补偿某人损失 indemnify sb. for his loss; compensate sb. for a loss; 补偿差额 make up a deficiency; 失去健康是无法补偿的。 nothing can compensate for the loss of one's health. 你必须补偿我的这个损失。 you must compensate me for this loss. 他们努力工作, 补偿了失去的时间。 by hard work they made up the loss of time
        固定资产无偿转拨:    unpaid transmission of fixed assets
        新技术有偿转让:    remunerative transfer of new technology; remunerativetransferofnewtechnology
        一次性有偿转移:    one-time paid transfer
        比转矩:    specific torque
        超转矩:    overtorque
        磁转矩:    magnetic torque; magnetic troque
        大转矩:    high torque ac motor
        等转矩:    torque identity
        动转矩:    dynamic torque
        舵转矩:    rudder torque
        反转矩:    antitorque; countertorque; torque reaction



  1. "补偿重块"英文
  2. "补偿重物"英文
  3. "补偿轴"英文
  4. "补偿轴环"英文
  5. "补偿主币"英文
  6. "补偿装置"英文
  7. "补偿追踪"英文
  8. "补偿酌"英文
  9. "补偿自己对别人的过错"英文
  10. "补偿自然伽马能谱测井仪"英文


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