

  • space-saving
  • 节省篇幅:    save space
  • :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
  • 超过篇幅的:    run-over
  • 超过篇幅的排印材料:    runover
  • 篇幅:    1.(文章的长短) the length of an article 这篇论文篇幅太长。this paper is too long.2.(书籍报刊等篇页的数量) space 限于篇幅 due to limited space; 篇幅有限 have limited space; 节省篇幅 save space; 用了不少篇幅叙述 devote a lot of space to describing; 篇幅不容许。 space forbids


        节省篇幅:    save space
        :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
        超过篇幅的:    run-over
        超过篇幅的排印材料:    runover
        篇幅:    1.(文章的长短) the length of an article 这篇论文篇幅太长。this paper is too long.2.(书籍报刊等篇页的数量) space 限于篇幅 due to limited space; 篇幅有限 have limited space; 节省篇幅 save space; 用了不少篇幅叙述 devote a lot of space to describing; 篇幅不容许。 space forbids
        节省:    economize; save; use sparingly; cut down on; retrench; gain; spare 节省不必要的开支 cut down unnecessary expenses; save unnecessary expenses; 节省篇幅 save space; 节省人力物力 use manpower and material resources sparingly; 节省原材料 economize raw materials; 节省百分之十 a save of ten percent; 节省流通费用 cut circulating expenses; 节省经费 retrench funds; 节省投资 reduce investment outlay; 这项技术革新可以为我们节省大量的时间和劳力。 this technical innovation will save us much time and labour
        压缩(篇幅):    boil
        侧幅的:    adradial
        等幅的:    undamped; undiminished
        调幅的:    amplitude madulated; amplitude modulated; amplitude-modulated
        宽幅的:    wide coverage; wide-coneerage
        限幅的:    clipped
        不惜篇幅:    ungrudgingly to devote a large amount of space to ..
        长篇幅听力:    listening to longer talks
        篇幅不容许:    space forbids
        篇幅说明:    statement of extent
        篇幅有限:    have limited space
        拼凑篇幅:    pad
        书的篇幅:    book―1ength
        缩短篇幅:    cut down the number of pages
        限于篇幅:    due to limited space
        不减幅的:    undamped
        不修边幅的:    raunchy; slovenly; untidy
        成幅的薄片:    a sheet of
        单色宽幅的:    broadloom


  1. "节省律"英文
  2. "节省能量"英文
  3. "节省能源的"英文
  4. "节省能源的;节能的"英文
  5. "节省篇幅"英文
  6. "节省器"英文
  7. "节省气器"英文
  8. "节省汽油器"英文
  9. "节省全部工作时间"英文
  10. "节省全部时间"英文


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