节省: economize; save; use sparing ...全部: whole; complete; entire; tot ...工作时间: production time; combustion ...全部工作时间: full time全部工作时间的: full-time节省全部时间: ats all time saved速遣费以节省的全部工作时间在装卸两港支付: dispatch payable both ends on working time saved装卸两港节省全部时间: all time saved both ends老年局部工作时间: altersteilzeit节省全部时间全部速遣时间: all time saved节省的工作时间: all time saved; wts working time saved速遣费以节省全部时间在装卸两港支付: dispatch payable both ends on all time saved并按节省的工作时间计算: dhdwts despatch half demurrage and for working time saved; dhdwts despatch money half demurrage and for working time saved双边节省的工作时间: wtsbe working time saved both ends所有节省的工作时间: awts all working time saved所有两港节省的工作时间: awt e all working time saved both ends; awtsbe all working time saved both ends在装卸港口节省的全部工作: all working time saved both ends全部工作日的: full-time仅在装载港节省的工作时间: all working time saved loading only所有卸货港节省的工作时间: awtsdo all working time saved discharging only所有装货港节省的工作时间: awtslo all working time saved loading only装卸港均以节省的工作时间计算: wtsbends working time saved at both ends装卸港均以节省的工作时间计算(速遣费): wt**ends working time saved at both ends; wtsbends working time saved at both ends不能干全部工作日: he doesn’t have the talent the company required全部工作小时统计: statistics of total hours worked