- cut down the number of pages
- 缩短: shorten; curtail; cut down; ...
- 篇幅: the length of an article
- 篇幅: 1.(文章的长短) the length of an article 这篇论文篇幅太长。this paper is too long.2.(书籍报刊等篇页的数量) space 限于篇幅 due to limited space; 篇幅有限 have limited space; 节省篇幅 save space; 用了不少篇幅叙述 devote a lot of space to describing; 篇幅不容许。 space forbids
- 短篇: best short story; short story
- 缩短: shorten; curtail; cut down; cut; take-up; tuck; foreshortening (投影); contraction; shortening; curtailing; shrinkage; shrinking 缩短差距 narrow the gap (between ... and ...); 缩短工作时间 shorten hours; 缩短篇幅 cut down the number of pages; 缩短时间 shorten the time; 缩短假期 curtail one's holidays; 缩短距离 reduce the distance; narrow the gap; 缩短妇女退休年限 move up the retirement age for women; 缩短学制 shorten the period of schooling; 把报告缩短一半 cut the report down to half its length; 把停留时间缩短两天 cut short one's stay by two days; 缩短基本建设 curtailing capital construction; slash the capital construction; narrow the scope of capital construction; 缩短战线 contract the front