全部: whole; complete; entire; tot ...工作时间: production time; combustion ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...全部工作时间: full time节省全部工作时间: all working time saved老年局部工作时间: altersteilzeit速遣费以节省的全部工作时间在装卸两港支付: dispatch payable both ends on working time saved工作时间的限制: restriction on working hours全部工作日的: full-time两次检查之间的工作时间: running between inspections time不能干全部工作日: he doesn’t have the talent the company required全部工作小时统计: statistics of total hours worked选定全部工作表: select all sheets全部时间的: all-time; full-time不工作时间: down time纯工作时间: net time非工作时间: standby unattended time工作时间: active session; burning time; company time; duration; hours of service; manipulation time; ontime; operating time; pickup time; production time; running time; time of operation; timecard; uptime; utime; work hours; working hours; working time; working-hours工作时间比: working time ratio工作时间表: arbeitsanzeiger; duty chart; duty list; job schedule; log; operating schedule; time schedule; work schedule工作时间法: service hours method工作时间卡: job time card; job time ticket; labourer ticket工作时间率: working time ratio工作时间片: workslice工作时间外: aoh after office hours; off-the-job