紧张: nervous; keyed up的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...外交谈判: diplomatic negotiation彻底: thorough; thoroughgoing另一轮的外交谈判: another round of diplomatic talks又一回合外交谈判: another round of diplomatic talks谈判最紧张的时候: when the negotiations were at their crucial stage彻底的: complete; crashing; deep-dyed; drastic; dyed in the wool; dyed-in-the-wool; engrained; exhaustive; galley west; hundred-percent; in-depth; ingrained; per=thorough; plain; radical; regular; searching; sopping; thoroughgoing; total; unqualified紧张的: atwitter; be stressed out; erect; intense; nervous or tense; nervous, jumpy; strained; taut; te e; tensional; tensive; tonic; uptight不彻底的: halfway彻底的, 完全的: thorough-paced彻底的吹走: making it all okay彻底的调查: thorough investigation彻底的改变: a change of heart彻底的改革: sweeping transformation彻底的了解: thorough understanding彻底的胜利: outright victory彻底的失败: a dead frost彻底的失望: bitterly disappointed彻底的研究: exhaustion够彻底的: best深入的, 彻底的: in-depth完全的,彻底的: thorough thorough thorough超紧张的: extratensive电紧张的: electrotonic