

发音:   用"外交谈判"造句


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  1. The approaching diplomacy distorted the israelis'perspective as well .
  2. We all knew that at best we had shifted our rivalry to the diplomatic plane .
  3. A good way to restart diplomacy would be for america and the arab states to confirm that this is roughly how they see a final agreement
  4. And , while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations , it contained no threat or hint of war or of armed attack
  5. While this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations , it contained no threat or hint of war or armed attack


        外交:    diplomacy; foreign affairs
        谈判:    negotiations; talks; negotia ...
        另一轮的外交谈判:    another round of diplomatic talks
        又一回合外交谈判:    another round of diplomatic talks
        紧张的外交谈判彻底的:    intensive diplomatic negotiations
        贸易谈判商业外交处:    trade negotiations and commercial diplomacy branch
        通过外交途径进行谈判:    to negotiate through diplomatic cha els; to negotiate through diplomatic channels
        交谈:    talk with each other; converse; chat; have a conversation 亲切交谈 have a heart-to-heart talk; 自由交谈 a freewheeling conversation
        我们希望下一交谈判将是签订合同前:    we hope that the next negotiation will be the last one before signing the contract
        谈判:    negotiations; talks; negotiate 和平谈判 negotiation for peace; peace talks; 开始与某人进行谈判 open negotiations with sb.; 举行谈判 hold talks; hold negotiations; 重新谈判 resume the talks; 谈判中断。 the talks broke down.; 谈判攻势 negotiation offensive; 谈判税则 bargaining tariff; 谈判桌 conference table
        外交:    diplomacy; foreign affairs 通过外交途径解决 be settled through diplomatic channels; 穿梭外交 shuttle diplomacy; 他是职业外交人员。 his profession is diplomacy.; 外交庇护 diplomatic asylum; 外交部 the ministry of foreign affairs; the foreign ministry; 外交部发言人 foreign ministry spokesman; 外交部长 minister of [for] foreign affairs; foreign minister; 外交承认 diplomatic recognition; 外交辞令 diplomatic language; diplomatic parlance; 外交代表 diplomatic representative; 外交代表机构 diplomatic mission; 外交代理人 diplomatic agent; 外交官 diplomat; diplomatist; 外交惯例 diplomatic practice; 外交护照 diplomatic passport; 外交豁免权 diplomatic immunities; 外交机关 diplomatic establishments; 外交机构 foreign service; diplomatic organ; 外交家 diplomat; 外交界 diplomatic circles; 外交礼节 diplomatic protocol; 外交签证 diplomatic visa; 外交人员 diplomatic personnel; 外交史 diplomatic history; history of diplomacy; 外交使节 diplomatic envoy; 外交使团 diplomatic body; diplomatic corps; 外交事务 foreign affairs; 外交谈判 diplomatic negotiation; 外交特权 diplomatic prerogatives; diplomatic privileges; 外交途径 diplomatic channels; 外交团 diplomatic corps; 外交往来 diplomatic intercourse; 外交文件 diplomatic paper; 外交文书 diplomatic correspondence; 外交衔 diplomatic rank; 外交信使 diplomatic courier; 外交邮袋 diplomatic bag; diplomatic pouch; 外交邮件 diplomatic mail; 外交语言 diplomatic language; diplomatese; 外交照会 diplomatic note; 外交政策 foreign policy
        外交 ():    diplomacy (board game)
        和…交谈:    talk with
        互动;交谈:    interactive
        交谈,闲谈:    confabulation
        交谈、互动:    ip interacts
        交谈;谈话:    converstion
        交谈层:    session layer
        交谈的:    conversational
        交谈法:    interview method
        交谈者:    fenelist fenlistt
        谈话,交谈:    conversation
        与…交谈:    talk with
        外交家, 外交官:    diplomat
        外交家,外交官:    diplomat


  1. "外交手腕"英文
  2. "外交手腕的"英文
  3. "外交思想"英文
  4. "外交司司长"英文
  5. "外交摊牌"英文
  6. "外交特别国务秘书"英文
  7. "外交特权"英文
  8. "外交特权, 外交使节的治外法权"英文
  9. "外交特权和外交辖免权"英文
  10. "外交特权与豁免"英文


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