一: one的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...外交谈判: diplomatic negotiation紧张的外交谈判彻底的: intensive diplomatic negotiations又一回合外交谈判: another round of diplomatic talks一轮谈判: round of talks新一轮贸易谈判: a new round of trade negotiations另一天 另一轮太阳也要落了: another day another sun going down一轮成败参半的谈判: a half-successful round非一般的外交家: not quite the diplomat国际性的外交政策: international diplomacy可被牺牲的外交官: expendable diplomats微妙的外交问题: diplomatic question一成不变的外交家: the unchanged diplomatist而非另一个谈判: not just another negotiation一轮: round; yi lun持有外交护照的外国人: aliens holding diplomatic处理事务的外交手腕: the diplomatic handling of one's affairs建立大使级的外交关系: establish diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level两党一致的外交政策: bipartisan diplomacy他的外交工作资历很深: he has long credentials of diplomatic service总的来讲好的外交关系: in general,good diplomatic relations贸易谈判商业外交处: trade negotiations and commercial diplomacy branch通过外交途径进行谈判: to negotiate through diplomatic cha els; to negotiate through diplomatic channels交谈: talk with each other; converse; chat; have a conversation 亲切交谈 have a heart-to-heart talk; 自由交谈 a freewheeling conversation