穿: pierce through; penetrate得: need整整齐齐: be arranged to a nicety; be ...打扮得整整齐齐: all dressed up把自己打扮得整整齐齐: make oneself spruce整整齐齐: be arranged to a nicety; be in apple-pie order; in perfect [good] order; neatly and cleanly; very neat and orderly; well-arranged; with regularity整整齐齐的: shipshape整整齐齐地: cleanly齐齐整整: in good order; tidy; neat穿得神气而整齐: nattily dressed把灌木丛修整得整齐美观: trim bushes into good trimming dressshavingtruing整整: whole; full; exactly 整整两天 two whole days; two full days; 整整半小时 a whole half hour; 整整 300万元 a good three million yuan; 整整 100亩水稻 exactly a hundred mu of paddy field穿得: nicely dressed done said齐齐: tsietsi; tsitsi; zizi; zizzi整齐: 1.(有秩序; 有条理) in good order; neat; tidy; snug; taut; shipshape 整齐的队伍 orderly ranks; 把自己打扮得整整齐齐 make oneself spruce; 服装整齐 neatly dressed; 桌子摆得很整齐。 the tables are in alignment. 这一带的工人宿舍都很整齐。 the workers' houses in the area are all kept in good repair.2.(大小、长短相差不多) even; regular 步伐整齐 march in step; 出苗整齐。 the seedlings come out evenly.; 整齐花 [植物学] regular flower; 整齐划一 uniform; neat and uniform; 整齐性 regularity穿得好: if you are well dressed she says you are a playboy阿齐齐: azizi巴齐齐: bazizi齐齐布: tsitsib齐齐克: zyzik齐齐尼: zizzini齐齐诺: tsitsino齐齐奇: cicic欧几里得整环: euclidean domain; euclidean integral domain; euklidischer ring euclidean ring不整齐: irregular◇不整齐萼 irregular calyx; 不整齐花 irregular flower; 不整齐性 irregularity