荡神志: chronicles of sealing gods神志病: mental disease神志那: kamishina; kojina; koshina恢复神志: come round神志半清: semiconsciousness神志不清: [医学] obnubilation; not being in one's right mind; clouded in mind; in a confused state of mind神志不清的: cuckoo; unconscious神志不正常: be wrong in the head神志恍惚: one's mind wanders.; wandering in one's mind神志昏乱: one's mind is wandering [confused]神志昏乱的: di5liries diliries神志昏迷: wander in one's mind; lie in delirium神志昏迷的: delirious神志健全的: well balanced神志清楚: sanity神志清明: clear-minded神志清明的: clear minded神志清醒: in one's sober senses; all there; in a clear state of mind; in full possession of one's faculties; in one's right mind; of sound mind 你认为他神志清醒吗? do you think he's all there? 没有一个神志清醒的人会这样做。 no man in his senses would have done so神志清醒的: all there; conscious神志丧失: unconsciousness神志异常: abnormality of mentality神志正常: sane使神志昏迷: entrance意识阈, 神志阈: consciousness-threshold神纸: joss paper神职者的谋略: priestcraft
神志的法语:名 conscience~清醒avoir toute sa connaissance.神志的日语:知覚と意識. 神志不清/意識がもうろうとしている.神志的韩语:[명사] (1)지각과 의식. 정신. 의식. 他神志不清, 迷迷忽忽的; 그는 정신이 맑지 않고 흐리멍덩하다 (2)【문어】 정신과 기개.神志的俄语:[shénzhì] рассудок; разум神志什么意思:shénzhì 知觉和理智:~不清│~模糊。