

发音:   用"真理面目善良"造句
  • truth hath a good face but ill clothes
  • 真理:    truth
  • 面目:    face; features; visage
  • 善良:    good and honest; kindhearted
  • 真理面前人人平等:    everyone is equal before the truth
  • 善良:    good and honest; kindhearted 善良的愿望 the best of intentions; good intentions; 善良守法 good and lawful; 心地善良 one's heart be in the right place; 他是个善良和气的老太太。 she was a very kind and amiable old woman. 那个孤儿被安顿在一个善良人家里。 the orphon was placed in a good home. 他虽然举止粗鲁, 但心地善良。 his manners are rough, but he is a kind man at heart


  1. Truth hath a good face , but ill clothes


        真理:    truth
        面目:    face; features; visage
        善良:    good and honest; kindhearted
        真理面前人人平等:    everyone is equal before the truth
        善良:    good and honest; kindhearted 善良的愿望 the best of intentions; good intentions; 善良守法 good and lawful; 心地善良 one's heart be in the right place; 他是个善良和气的老太太。 she was a very kind and amiable old woman. 那个孤儿被安顿在一个善良人家里。 the orphon was placed in a good home. 他虽然举止粗鲁, 但心地善良。 his manners are rough, but he is a kind man at heart
        面目:    1.(相貌) face; features; visage 面目严峻 stern in visage; 面目清秀 have delicate looks;2.(事物所呈现的景象、状态) appearance; look; aspect 还其本来面目 reveal sth. in its true colours; 显出庐山真面目 show one's true colours; 政治面目不清 of dubious political background3.(面子) self-respect; honour; sense of shame; face 愧无面目见人 feel too ashamed to face people; 使我感到无面目再做此事 shame me out of doing it again; 面目浮肿 edema of the face
        层理面 层理面:    bedding plane stratification
        真理:    truth 绝对真理 absolute truth; 客观真理 objective truth; 相对真理 relative truth; 普遍真理 universal truth; 抽象真理 abstract truth; 永恒的真理 constant [eternal; everlasting] truth; 科学真理 scientific truth; 坚持真理, 修正错误 uphold the truth and correct mistakes; 探求真理 seek after truth; 真理的光辉 the light of truth; 真理面前, 人人平等。 everyone is equal before the truth. 讲真理, 不讲面子。 keep to the truth and not spare the sensibilities of those who are criticized. 真理越辩越明, 真理不怕辩论。 truth does not fear contention. the more the truth is debated, the clearer it becomes
        层理面:    bed plane; bedding plane stratification; bedding surface; laminae; plane of stratification; stratification joint; stratification plane
        处理面:    treated side
        管理面:    chain of command (=span of control)
        节理面:    divisional plane; joint face; joint plane; joint surface; joint wall; jointplane; jointsurface; jointwall
        解理面:    cleavage face; cleavage piston; cleavage plane; cleavage surface; cleavatge surface; face of cleavage; plane of cleavage
        劈理面:    cleat face; cleavage face; cleavage plane(trace); cleavage surface; cleavageface; cleavageplane; plane of cleavage
        片理面:    schistosity plane
        叶理面:    foliation plane; foliation surface
        真面目,真面目:    true colors, true colors
        仁慈, 善良:    goodness
        善良,美德:    goodness
        善良的:    excellent honest moral blameless visage; virtuous
        新面目:    new look
        真面目:    one's true self; true features; true colours 露出真面目 show one's true features; 认清其真面目 see sb. in his true colours; 不识庐山真真面目, 只缘身在此山中。 i see not the true face of lushan mountain because i am in the mountain
        你真面目,真面目:    your true colors, true colors
        复理面建造:    flysch formation
        节理面洞穴:    joint-plane cave


  1. "真理和明镜报"英文
  2. "真理和谬误的斗争"英文
  3. "真理会"英文
  4. "真理可能被指责,但是决不蒙耻辱。"英文
  5. "真理可能会被责难"英文
  6. "真理面前人人平等"英文
  7. "真理乃为人人而设"英文
  8. "真理能树"英文
  9. "真理能树,不靠支持。"英文
  10. "真理日报"英文


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