

[ miànmu; miànmù ] 发音:   "面目"的汉语解释   用"面目"造句
  • 1.(相貌) face; features; visage 短语和例子
    2.(事物所呈现的景象、状态) appearance; look; aspect 短语和例子
    3.(面子) self-respect; honour; sense of shame; face 短语和例子
  • 真面目,真面目:    true colors, true colors
  • 新面目:    new look
  • 真面目:    one's true self; true features; true colours 露出真面目 show one's true features; 认清其真面目 see sb. in his true colours; 不识庐山真真面目, 只缘身在此山中。 i see not the true face of lushan mountain because i am in the mountain
  • 你真面目,真面目:    your true colors, true colors
  • 暴露真面目:    reveal one's true features; show oneself in one's true colors


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. His countenance was overlaid with legible meanings .
  2. He had found them out .
  3. Her face was handsome .
  4. Even the awful presence of death struck no solemn chill upon him .
  5. A handsome, tough-looking boy of nine popped up from behind the table .


        真面目,真面目:    true colors, true colors
        新面目:    new look
        真面目:    one's true self; true features; true colours 露出真面目 show one's true features; 认清其真面目 see sb. in his true colours; 不识庐山真真面目, 只缘身在此山中。 i see not the true face of lushan mountain because i am in the mountain
        你真面目,真面目:    your true colors, true colors
        暴露真面目:    reveal one's true features; show oneself in one's true colors
        本来的面目:    ture face
        本来面目:    (原来的样子) true colours; true features 恢复历史的本来面目restore historical truth
        超平面目镜:    hyper plane eyepiece
        丑恶面目:    ugly features
        地面目标:    ground target; land target; landmark; surface target; terrain object
        海索面目:    nemalionales
        揭穿假面目:    unmask sb
        庐山假面目:    man with my face
        庐山真面目:    (比喻事物真相) the true face of mt. lu -- the real appearance of a person or thing; one's true character [identity]; one's true features; the truth about a person or a matter; what lushan mountain really looks like 不识庐山真面目, 只缘身在此山中。 the true face of lushan is beyond the ken of one deep in the heart of the mountain. the truth isincomprehensible to one too deeply involved to be objective
        露出真面目:    show one's true features
        没面目焦挺:    disliked one-the merciless
        面目浮肿:    edema of face; edema of the face
        面目可憎:    hateful [abominable detestable] countenance [appearance]; repulsive in countenance; repulsive looks; repulsive [disgusting; ugly] appearance
        面目清秀:    have delicate looksappearancelookaspect
        面目全非:    lose one's [its] identity; a complete change; all looks wrong or different; be changed [distorted] beyond recognition; be not as it was before; be very different from the original; the originals no longer exist.: 变得面目全非 alter [change] beyond [past; out of] recognition
        面目全新:    change beyond recognition; a complete change; everything is new
        面目虚浮:    asthenia facial edema
        面目严峻:    stern in visage
        面目一新:    take on an entirely new [fresh] complexion; a new aspect; entirely changed the complexion of ...; make a complete change; put on a new face; take on [assume; present; have] a new look [aspect; appearance]; the face of ... took on an altogether new aspect.; change the face entirely; impart a new spirit; with a brand-new look
        面目端正的脸:    regular face
        面木:    omoki


        面目的法语:名 1.face;figure;visage~清秀figure belle et fine. 2.apparence;aspect~全非devenir méconnaissable;être complètement défiguré;changer d'aspect
        面目的日语:(1)顔つき.顔形. 面目狰狞 zhēngníng /顔つきが獰猛[どうもう]だ. 面目可憎 kězēng /顔つきが憎たらしい. (2)面目.ものの様子?状態. 等同于(请查阅)面目全非. 不识 shí 庐山 Lúshān 真面目/(廬山は本当の姿がとらえがたいことから)物事の真相は容易にわからないこと. 政治面目不清/政治的立場がはっきりしない.▼党員?団員であるか否かをさす. (3)顔.メン...
        面目的韩语:[명사] (1)얼굴 생김새. 용모. 몰골. 面目狰狞; 얼굴이 험상궂다 (2)태도. 입장. 경향. 면모. 政治面目; 정치적 입장 (3)면목. 낯. 체면. 有何面目见他呢? 무슨 낯으로 그를 만나지? (4)본분. 천성. 守自己的面目; 자신의 본분을 지키다 (5)정체(正體). 참된 본디의 형체. 不见庐山真面目; 【속담】 여산의 본래 모습이 보이지...
        面目的俄语:[miànmù] 1) лицо; черты лица 2) облик; обличье; физиономия
        面目什么意思:miànmù ①面貌 ①:~狰狞|~可憎。 ②面貌 ②;政治~|不见庐山真~|~全非。 ③面子;脸面:要是任务完不成,我有何~回去见首长和同志们。


  1. "面膜丝印"英文
  2. "面膜纸杯机"英文
  3. "面磨合"英文
  4. "面磨合,配研"英文
  5. "面木"英文
  6. "面目端正的脸"英文
  7. "面目浮肿"英文
  8. "面目可憎"英文
  9. "面目可憎,语言乏味"英文
  10. "面目可憎的家伙"英文


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