

  • flysch formation
  • :    repeated; double; duplicate
  • :    texture; grain
  • :    face
  • 建造:    build; construct; make
  • 极端平面建造形式:    extrem flache bauform extremely compact in axial direction


        :    repeated; double; duplicate
        :    texture; grain
        :    face
        建造:    build; construct; make
        极端平面建造形式:    extrem flache bauform extremely compact in axial direction
        陆相复理式建造:    continental flysch formation; continentalflyschformation
        层理面 层理面:    bedding plane stratification
        复理层 复理石:    flysch
        层理面:    bed plane; bedding plane stratification; bedding surface; laminae; plane of stratification; stratification joint; stratification plane
        处理面:    treated side
        管理面:    chain of command (=span of control)
        节理面:    divisional plane; joint face; joint plane; joint surface; joint wall; jointplane; jointsurface; jointwall
        解理面:    cleavage face; cleavage piston; cleavage plane; cleavage surface; cleavatge surface; face of cleavage; plane of cleavage
        劈理面:    cleat face; cleavage face; cleavage plane(trace); cleavage surface; cleavageface; cleavageplane; plane of cleavage
        片理面:    schistosity plane
        叶理面:    foliation plane; foliation surface
        建造:    1.[地质学] (地质建造) formation2.(建筑) construct; build; make; form; fabric; machine 这棚屋是用附近森林里长的树木建造的。 the hut was constructed from trees that grew in the nearby forest.; 建造产物 fabric (如房屋或船只); 建造成本 construction cost; 建造价值 constructed value; 建造森林覆被 afforest;建造者 builder; constructor
        复理层:    flysch; flysh
        复理石:    flysch
        舱面建筑:    deck structure
        舱面建筑物:    deck erection
        地面建筑:    surface construction; surface structures
        地面建筑物:    above ground structure; surface buildings
        路面建筑:    surface construction
        曲面建模:    nurbs; surface modeling


  1. "复肋菊石属"英文
  2. "复离子"英文
  3. "复理层"英文
  4. "复理层 复理石"英文
  5. "复理层;弗立希"英文
  6. "复理石"英文
  7. "复理石沉积"英文
  8. "复理石漂移体"英文
  9. "复理石圈闭"英文
  10. "复理石砂岩"英文


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