病: illness; sickness; disease; ...传: commentaries on classics病传染: disease transmission肝病传脾: liver disease affecting spleen疾病传变: pathogenesis transmission疾病传播: pathophoresis; propagate of disease疾病传播者: transmitter疾病传变规律: the law of the progress of a disease控制疾病传布: check the spread of disease血友病传递者: hemophiliac carriers人类疾病传染媒介: vectors of human diseases使牲畜病传染给人: be communicable from animals to man把花柳病传染给某人: give sb/catch a dose牛能把疾病传染给人类: cows can give sickness to human beings鼠蚤会把疾病传染给人: rat fleas communicate a disease to man(为防止疾病传染而划定的)防疫线: sanitary cordon一只动物把病传给另一只动物: transmitted from one animal to another; transmittedfromoneanimaltoanother病初起: onset of disease病床: sickbed; hospital bed 躺在病床上 ill in bed; 这所医院有三百张病床。 the hospital has three hundred beds.; 病床防污布 aleze病初的: pathoformic病床边: bedside病臭肠球菌: enterococcus malodoratus病床电梯: bed lift; stretcher lift病虫药制造厂: insecticide factory病床防污布: aleze病虫侵害度: infectious degree of disease and insects