疾病: disease; illness; sickness; ...传播: disseminate; propagate; spre ...疾病传播者: transmitter疾病传变: pathogenesis transmission疾病传变规律: the law of the progress of a disease控制疾病传布: check the spread of disease人类疾病传染媒介: vectors of human diseases病传: progress of disease传播疾病: spread disease; to carry disease传播疾病的: pathophoric; pathophorous; pestiferous性传播疾病: sex transmitted disease; sexual transmitted disease; sexually transmitted diseases (std); sexually-transmitted disease; std sexually transmitted disease; stds; sti牛能把疾病传染给人类: cows can give sickness to human beings鼠蚤会把疾病传染给人: rat fleas communicate a disease to man鼠传播的疾病: mouse transmission disease性传播性疾病: std(为防止疾病传染而划定的)防疫线: sanitary cordon经食物传播的疾病: food-brne illness; foodborne disease空气传播性疾病: air-borne disease气溶胶传播性疾病: coughs and snezes diseases牲畜粪便传播疾病: disease transmitted by excrement of animals蚊子传播的疾病: diseases spread by mosquitoes性传播疾病诊所: sexually transmitted disease clinic病传染: disease transmission媒传疾不媒介传播疾病: vector-borne disease; vector-bornedisease性传播疾病防治方案: sexually transmitted disease programme