把: grip; handle花柳病: venereal disease传染: infect; be contagious; commu ...给某人: 50使牲畜病传染给人: be communicable from animals to man花柳病: (性病) venereal disease (v.d.)牛能把疾病传染给人类: cows can give sickness to human beings鼠蚤会把疾病传染给人: rat fleas communicate a disease to man性病, 花柳病: vd性铂花柳病: vd:venereal disease病传染: disease transmission给某人: give sb/have a chance to participate or succeed in sth; tn tn.p ~ sb/oneself put clothes on sb/oneself dress人类疾病传染媒介: vectors of human diseases国际花柳病和密螺旋体病防治联合会: international union against the venereal diseases and the treponematoses你把感冒传染给我了: you've given me your cold花柳: hanayagi; hanayanagi传话给某人: send word to sb打给某人: call sb分牌给某人: deals the cards付给某人: additional words and phrases pay bearer; pay bearer给某人……的建议: give sb. advice on sth./how to do给某人帮忙: do sb. a favor给某人帮助: extend help to sb; give sb a hand; give sb. some assistance给某人穿衣: clothe sb给某人捣乱: mess with sb