Inked pay rises insulated them against inflationary price increases 与生活指数挂钩的工资增长使他们免受通货膨胀带来的损失。
I recall some years ago seeing a table of international cost - of - living comparisons , which showed a small african state way out in front 记得几年前看过一个比较全球各国生活指数的排名榜,非洲某小国竟然排在很前的位置。
The maya civilization is impressive for a number of reasons ? a fully developed writing system , amazing architecture , and a complex political system . but life expectancy was low 玛雅文明有几点让人印象深刻发达的书写系统,惊人的建筑成就和复杂的社会体系。但是生活指数不高。
The increasing purchasing power of shanghai people and china s accession of wto are motivating factors to the shanghai real estate market . as shanghai is becoming a financial centre , high - quality property would be in demand in the shanghai real estate market in the near future 近年来,上海人民的生活指数及质素不断上升,再加上中国入世,上海国际大都会角色日益增强,吸引到中国内外地人仕到上海发展,因而对上海的房地产需求愈来愈大,发展空间及潜力大大提高。
生活: life指数: index number; index生活指数调整: cola生活指数津贴: cost of living allowance生活指数;生活费用指数: cost-of-living index使与生活指数挂钩的: index linked; index-linked存活指数: survival index劳资合约中会包含按生活指数调整条款: cost of living escalators家庭生活指导中心: family life centre灵性生活指导者: pastor生活费指数: cost of living index number; cost-of-living index; index of cost of living; index of living costs; index of living expenses; living cost index; living costs index; living expense index; the cost of living index生活费用指数: cost of living index; cost-of living index; cost-of-living indexes; costs of living index number生活水平指数: index of living standard生活物价指数: the cost of living index/the price index; the cost of living index;the price index生活质量指数: physical quality of life index pqli日常生活活动指数: adl index; index of adl生活费用指数化: costs of living indexation生活满意度指数: satisfaction with life index实际生活费指数: actual cost of living index实际生活素质指数: physical quality of life index物质生活质量指数: physical quality of life index生活费用价格总指数: total price index of living costs物质生活质量强化指数: augmented physical quality of life index生活: 1.(为生存和发展而进行的各种活动) life 幸福生活 a happy life; 日常生活 daily life; 政治生活 political life2.(生存) live; exist 他靠正当的劳动生活。 he lives by honest labour. 一个人脱离社会就不能生活下去。 one cannot live cut off from society.3.(衣、食、住、行等方面的事或情况) livelihood 生活困难 be badly off; 生活简朴 live in a small way; 自从他的生意兴隆以来, 他们一直过着优裕的生活。 they have been living on easy street since his business began to prosper.; 生活本能 life instinct; 生活必需品 necessaries of life; daily necessities; aliment; 生活标准 standard of living; 生活方式 life-style; mode [way] of life; bag; -biosis; 生活福利 welfare; welfare benefits; 生活供水 living water; 生活环境 bag; surroundings; environment; 生活节奏 circadian rhythm; pace [tempo] of life; 生活经验 experience of life; 生活空间 lebensraum; 生活垃圾 house refuse; 生活来源 source of income; 生活乐趣 joy of life; 生活能力 viability; 生活水平 living standard; standard of living; 生活条件 living conditions; 生活污水 domestic sewage; sanitary sewage; 生活物质 living material; 生活习惯 habits and customs; 生活消费 personal consumption; individual consumption; 生活小区 biotope; 生活支出 monthly living expenses; subsistence expenses; 生活指数 living index; index of living; 生活制度 daily regime; regimen; 生活质量 the quality of life; 生活周期 cyclogeny; life cycle; 生活状况 weather; 生活资料 means of livelihood; means of subsistence; consumer goods; 生活自理 (of the elderly people) look after oneself in one's daily life; 生活作风 behaviour; conduct 生活 (): life (magazine)