生活费用: cost of living; living expen ...价格: price; tariff总: assemble; gather; put togeth ...指数: index number; index零售价格总指数: general index of retail prices生活费用指数: cost of living index; cost-of living index; cost-of-living indexes; costs of living index number居民消费价格总指数: cpi生活费用指数化: costs of living indexation生活指数;生活费用指数: cost-of-living index生活费用: cost of living; living expenses [costs]◇生活费用指数 cost of living index生活费指数: cost of living index number; cost-of-living index; index of cost of living; index of living costs; index of living expenses; living cost index; living costs index; living expense index; the cost of living index附加费用价格: loaded price加上费用价格: price plus; price terms高额生活费用: high cost of living生活费用变动: cost of living change生活费用调整: costs living adjustment生活费用津贴: costs of living allowance生活费用因素: costs of living factor最低生活费用: minimum cost of living劳资合同规定工资按生活费用指数调整: col escalator商品价格的总指数: aggregate index of commodity prices包括一切费用价格: all round price成本加费用价格: cost-plus price按生活费用调整: cost of living adjustment保卫生活费用运动: movement for the defense of living costs; movimiento de defensa del costo de la vida