

  • shattered
  • 爱人:    husband or wife; spouse swee ...
  • :    change
  • 出声:    utter; make a sound; speak
  • 别出声:    don't make a sound; soft
  • 嘘别出声:    sh! kequiet


        爱人:    husband or wife; spouse swee ...
        :    change
        出声:    utter; make a sound; speak
        别出声:    don't make a sound; soft
        嘘别出声:    sh! kequiet
        嘘别出声!:    Sh! Keep quiet!
        出声:    utter (a sound); make a sound; speak
        爱人:    1.(丈夫或妻子) husband or wife; spouse2.(恋爱中男女的一方) sweetheart
        辨别出:    i. pick out; pick out
        别出去:    not going out season 1&2
        名女人别传:    the secret life of lady so lee
        情人别安:    valentine beyond
        不出声:    hold one's breath; quiet as a mouse making very little sound
        出声地:    alaud
        出声管:    port
        弄出声:    make a noise
        辨别出;挑选:    pick out
        别出差错:    don't make any mistakes
        别出机杼:    be original in conception; not follow the conventional pattern; strike out a new path for oneself
        别出心裁:    create new styles [fashions]; adopt an original approach; an out-of-the ordinary idea; be original in one's ideas; create sth. that is uncommon to all; depart from established practice; different from the usual pattern; have an unconventional idea; originate an idea [method]; try to be different
        差别出生率:    differential birth rate
        分别出发:    separate start
        类别出生率:    birth specific
        特别出庭:    special appearance
        挑出,辨别出:    pick out


  1. "爱人"英文
  2. "爱人!别跑"英文
  3. "爱人,玫瑰"英文
  4. "爱人,晚安"英文
  5. "爱人爱慕"英文
  6. "爱人常换常新"英文
  7. "爱人的协奏曲"英文
  8. "爱人的旋律"英文
  9. "爱人的血"英文
  10. "爱人的影子"英文


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