爱人: husband or wife; spouse swee ...晚安: good night晚安: [套] good night爱人: 1.(丈夫或妻子) husband or wife; spouse2.(恋爱中男女的一方) sweetheart〔法语〕 晚安。: bonne nuit晚安, 再见: good night晚安,母亲: 'night mother晚安,女孩: goodnighht girl; goodnight girl晚安,再见: so long farewell晚安报: masa al kheir宝宝,宝宝,晚安: baby,baby ,bye宝贝晚安: goodnight sweetheart长吻晚安: long kiss goodnight the跟你说晚安: say goodnight to you互道晚安: goodnight; saying good night女士晚安舞: good night ladies说声晚安: good night说晚安 跑: dream chaser天亮说晚安: gl晚安,睡个好觉: good night,sleep tight晚安,再见-孩子们: so long,farewell the children晚安宝贝: goodnight sweetheart晚安法语: bonswar晚安好梦: the good night晚安好运: good night and good luck