I had barely finished my words when a childhood vision appeared vividly in my mind 刚说完,一幅在我幼时无意间看到的景象,立刻浮现脑海。
Suddenly , he remembered master and called out with all his might , " master , help me ! " , 突然,师父的面容浮现脑海,他使尽全力地叫道:师父,帮助我!
Two thousand people requested prayer ! there were two requests that kept coming up over and over again 两千人要求祷告,有两件事一直浮现脑海,次数差不多。
Few days ago when i watched the movie of “ yue shu shou nang ji ” the same question jumped into my mind 数天前,当我看《耶酥受难记》这部影片时,一个同样的问题浮现脑海。
Why does it keep falling off ? next , i thought , could it be because im smoking in my room ? so i reminded myself , give it a try 当时一股奇妙的思绪浮现脑海:难道是因为我在房间抽菸的关系吗?于是自我警惕:试试看!
浮现: appear before one's eyes; em ...脑海: brain; mind浮现在脑海里: suggest itself to常浮现于脑海中的: haunting你浮现在我脑海: you go to my head浮上心头,浮现在脑海里: float in the mind浮现在某人的脑海中: come to sb.'s mind浮现在脑海里, 浮上心头: float in the mind想起,浮现在某人的脑海中: occur浮现: appear before one's eyes; emerge; raise; drift; occur; rise 浮现脑海[际] arise in one's mind; recur to one's mind; 浮现眼前 rise before one's eyes; 浮现笑容。 one's face lit up with a smile. 他的面容浮现在我面前。 his image rose before me. 往事浮现在我眼前。 scenes of the past rose before my eyes.; the past came back to my mind.; my mind flashed back to scenes of the past但是你却总是不断的在脑海中浮现: but every now and then you come to mind脑海: brain; mind 深深地印入脑海 be engraved on one's mind; 往事又浮上脑海。 past events flashed across my mind again出现,浮现: arise-arose-arisen浮现,出现: emerge浮现的: emergent浮现沼: emerged bog出现, 浮现, 发生: emergence浮现, 形成, 出现, 显露: emerge浮现大陆: emerged continent浮现笑容: one's face lit up with a smile浮现眼前: rise before one's eyes希望浮现: hope floats悬浮现象: suspension大脑海马的: hippocampal浮于脑海: shoot [flash] across one's mind