没有: not have; there is not; be w ...知识分子: intellectual; the intelligen ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...参加: join; attend; take part in; ...实现四化: accomplish the four moderniz ...是: Semantics不可能: impossible知识分子的,有知识的: intellektuell知识分子的: highbrow是不可能的: to be impossible实现四化: accomplish the four modernizations; realize the four modernizations反知识分子的: anti-intellectual那是不可能的: it's impossoble; it’s impossible这是不可能的: it's out of the question; itisoutofthequestion有智力的,名词,有知识者,知识分子: intellectual为实现四化而斗争: strive for the four modernizations充分发挥知识分子的: give full play to the initiative and creativity of intellectuals塑造一个知识分子的形象: portray an intellectual未能满足知识分子的热望: fail to satisfy the cravings of educated people超脱现实是不可能的: it's impossible to detach oneself from reality但是科学又说……那是不可能的: but…… scientific said it is impossible is the tragic很抱歉这是不可能的: i regret to say it's not possible反知识分子: anti-intellectual知识分子: intellectual; the intelligentsia; professional(s); professional men and women◇知识分子政策 policy towards intellectuals知识分子论: representations of the intellectual