没有: not have; there is not; be w ...执照: license; permit的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...有执照的: regular有执照的船: chopboat领有执照的人: licensee领有执照的贷款人: licensed lender领有执照的房地: licenced premises有执照的引水员: licenced pilot; licensed pilot领有执照的租用航空站: licensed airport有执照的经验护士协会: licensed practical nurse association有执照的内外科医生: licentiate in medicine and surgery有执照的药剂师,有证药师: licentiate in pharmacy领有执照: under license领有执照者: licensee有执照建筑: construction under licence颁发执照的: licensing无执照的: unlice ed; unlicensed领到执照的人: licensee无执照的当铺: leaving shop有执照车站搬运工: ticket porter无航行执照的船: interloper无执照的驾驶员: unlicensed driver无执照的引航员: hobbler pilot; unlice ed pilot; unlicensed pilot发给联运人执照的制度: licensing system for multimodal transport operator